ICAPS aims to be an open, global and all inclusive consortium with transparent operating and governance procedures. The objective of ICAPS is to be a Resource that enables and accelerates international interactions and collaboration that results in the discovery of new HTN pharmacogenomics knowledge.
Cohorts or studies are invited to join if they are eligible according to the following criteria:
- Collection of subjects with hypertension who have been treated with antihypertensive medications. This can be based on medical history but it is preferred to be based on measured blood pressures. Information regarding blood pressure measurements and medications could come from clinical trial or observational study databases, or electronic medical records databases.
- As the consortium seeks to identify genetic variants associated with blood pressure response and adverse responses to antihypertensives, DNA samples must be available. These samples don’t have to be processed at the time of joining ICAPS, but there should be a plan for GWAS level genotyping and sharing of GWAS analysis results (based on specific analysis plans, with patient level informed consent to do so.
- For cohorts to be used as discovery cohorts, prospective follow up of blood pressure response to an individual antihypertensive agent, or multiple antihypertensives is necessary. . For cohorts to be used as a validation / replication cohort, information regarding blood pressure measurement and corresponding medication exposure is necessary. Observational / cross sectional cohorts may be well suited for validation of genetic markers identified in from discovery analyses.
If you have a cohort that meets these criteria, and would like to join ICAPS or learn more about ICAPS please fill out the form below.